Young Hearts (9/49)

18-year-old Anne lives alone with her four-year-old son Tim. Her everyday life is not easy - coping with irregular working times, not enough money and the responsibility for a lively child. However, Tim's father Marc, also 18, is only interested in getting good results in his exams, in football and in his aim to study in America. Nor are Anne's parents much help to the young, overburdened mother. Only Katrin, Marc's elder sister, concerned for little Tim, constantly intervenes in Anne's affairs and gives her good advice. When, once again, this causes a quarrel between the two young women, a fateful scuffle ensues in which Katrin is killed. Detective Inspectors Batic and Leitmayr now have to unravel the circumstances that led to this death and find themselves in a tangled web of excuses, half-truths and lies - all safety nets of overburdened children, who already have a child. And in all this the Detective Inspectors have no idea that beyond their investigations another drama is being played out....

Nominated for the 44th "ADOLF-GRIMME AWARD" 2008 in the Category "Best TV Movie"