When The Marmot Whistles... (101/268)

For a brief period, after awakening from their hibernation, the marmots live in harmony with one another, but before long the peace of the alpine pastures is shattered. Often a male from an adjoining territory will challenge an unruly neighbour to a fight. In this no holds are barred, as evidenced by harrowing screams and deep wounds from bites. Even the female marmots resort to violence. The dominant "cat" has to assert her leadership and is thus often attacked by the other females. Sometimes she is hounded viciously for several minutes, for only the highest-ranking female in the pack is allowed to bear offspring. It is not only within the group, however, that tension prevails: marmots are among the favourite prey of golden eagles, owls and foxes. And other predators such as the lux and the bear, whose population is now reportedly increasing again, would also appreciate the taste of these cute rodents. But first they have to be caught. At least one of the marmot clan is always on the alert, and when he whistles, they almost all disappear immediately into the next burrow. Yet the smallest ones often don't make it: in their curiosity they may have moved too far away from the shelter of their den.

The following new episodes are available:

  • Jaguar Safari
  • The Guinea Pig and his Grumpy Neighbors
  • Raccoon Party
  • Tiger Country
  • Portugal - The Return of the Wild Creatures