Two Rhinos For Bavaria (23/268)

In September 2008, the Augsburg Zoo in Germany got its long-awaited two new pairs of rhinos. A momentous event that easily lets you forget the long preparation and planning that went into the acquisition. The zoo director spent many a day and night brooding over where to get the animals from - for, in the case of zoo populations, the crucial question is always, who are the animals related to, who can they breed with, what new lines of an endangered species can we create and help preserve? In this case, the Augsburg Zoo decided to take two of the four White Rhinoceroses they wanted from captivity, and two from the wild. The two captive creatures, from the Salzburg Zoo, had arrived in August already. At the same time, the two "wild" Whites await in a South African quarantine station, having been caught in Kruger National Park a year ago? 

The following new episodes are available:

  • Jaguar Safari
  • The Guinea Pig and his Grumpy Neighbors
  • Raccoon Party
  • Tiger Country
  • Portugal - The Return of the Wild Creatures