The Valley of the Vultures (180/268)

For years two bearded vultures swooped over the alpine valleys. Yet suddenly they have disappeared. It is suspected that poachers are at work here, particularly since this is not the only incident of this kind.Breeding warden Nina has been working on the project to reintroduce bearded vultures into the Alps from the very beginning. Now she has set herself the task of casting light of the constantly recurring disappearance of the vultures. And there is another mystery she wants to solve: why has no pair of vultures succeeded in rearing an offspring in Austria up to now? But Nina is determined to achieve her aim of a successful resettlement in Austria and fights for this with all the energy and dedication befitting a true "defender of the vultures".

The following new episodes are available:

  • Jaguar Safari
  • The Guinea Pig and his Grumpy Neighbors
  • Raccoon Party
  • Tiger Country
  • Portugal - The Return of the Wild Creatures