Rhabti - The Indian Rhinoceros (138/268)

Rhabti, the Indian rhinoceros (rhinoceros unicornis), was only a few months old when, at Easter in 1990, she moved into the new rhinoceros house in Munich's Hellabrunn Zoo. A few weeks later she was joined by two rhino children, Nasi and Niko. A rhino nursery, in which great hopes were placed - the young bull Niko was the designated father of Nasi's and Rhabti's offspring. Over a period of 12 years a camera team paid regular visits to the trio in Hellabrunn: they recorded a story of rhino friendships which changed with the onset of puberty, a story of breeding plans in zoos and of rhino predilections which were not exactly in accordance with the plans of the zoo-keepers. A year ago the trio finally became a quartet: Nasi is now rearing her first child. Yet an important step still has to be taken: it's now time to introduce the young rhino to the other female. An encounter avoided up to now because one never knows how a female rhino will react to a strange young animal. Rhabti might even attack and injure the young one - and once again the camera will be there.

The following new episodes are available:

  • Jaguar Safari
  • The Guinea Pig and his Grumpy Neighbors
  • Raccoon Party
  • Tiger Country
  • Portugal - The Return of the Wild Creatures