Proboscis Monkeys - The Gentle Dictators (145/268)

Habitat: mangroves and river banks in the rainforest near the coast. To be found exclusively on the island of Borneo. With their huge noses the proboscis monkeys are among the most bizarre creatures in the animal kingdom. Do they differ from other primates in any other way? The film team observed a group in Sabah, in the Malaysian part of Borneo. The large males - and it is only the males who have this huge nose - are complicated characters: uncompromising lords of the harem, but also sensitive protectors. Meanwhile the females claim for themselves a freedom otherwise unknown among primates - the freedom to move from one group to another, thus occasionally also changing the begetter of their offspring. Often the new world is no more than a courageous leap away - to the nearest tree or to the opposite bank of the jungle river.

The following new episodes are available:

  • Jaguar Safari
  • The Guinea Pig and his Grumpy Neighbors
  • Raccoon Party
  • Tiger Country
  • Portugal - The Return of the Wild Creatures