Jerry -Never Pay For A Gorilla Baby (47/268)

They are so cute, so loveable, so sweet that visitors just want to cuddle them and never put them down: the chimpanzee and gorilla babies in the zoo of Yaounde, the capital of the Cameroons. Hardly anyone now watching the playful young apes as they drink their daily portion of milk from their baby bottles recalls that each of these babies has survived a life-or-death adventure. Once again the zoo has heard of a captured gorilla baby, and one of the zoo-keepers sets off in search, into the depths of the forests in the south- east of the Cameroons. Everyone knows that this is a race against time - somewhere a gorilla baby, only a few months old, is shackled outside a poacher's hut, awaiting its end. The zoo-keeper manages to find the little gorilla and release it from the clutches of the poacher. But then begins the odyssey through the Cameroons, a rescue operation between nappies and baby bottles, concealed in hotel rooms, travelling on secret paths, hoping to end up safe and sound in Yaounde Zoo.

The following new episodes are available:

  • Jaguar Safari
  • The Guinea Pig and his Grumpy Neighbors
  • Raccoon Party
  • Tiger Country
  • Portugal - The Return of the Wild Creatures