Fertilizers from the Air - Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch (42/108)

In the series important inventions and discoveries from the spheres of geoscience and civil engineering are presented. The viewer gains insight into both the scientific and the socio-political background of a discovery or an invention. Pioneers of science are portrayed, subjects of research are presented and their further development up to the present day is traced. The process and functioning of the research objects are explained by means of computer animation. Dramatized scenes shed light on the working conditions and methods of the scientists. Particularly impressive are the historical film documents, some of which date back to the early years of cinematography. 1909 gelingt es Fritz Haber mittels eines Hochdruckverfahrens aus Luftstickstoff und Wasserstoff Ammoniak zu synthetisieren. Carl Bosch setzte diesen Prozess in den industriellen Maßstab um. 1914 nimmt die erste Ammoniakfabrik der Welt in Oppau die Produktion auf, und erschließt so das schier unerschöpfliche Stickstoffreservoir der Luft für die Herstellung von Düngemitteln und verschiedenen Grundchemikalien der chemischen Industrie.

WorldMediaFestival 2007 - GRAND Award for "Documentaries" WorldMediaFestival 2007 - GOLD Award for "Documentaries: Research and Science"