Autumn Hunt in Bavaria - Hounds Tracking Hot Scents (216/268)

Fortunately we are talking about unbloody events. The traditional horse hunting for deer on the hoof is prohibited in Germany since 1934. Drag-hunting is a reasonable alternative. In this case, a horseman simulates the wild animal which is to be followed and rides along a line which has been prepared beforehand. Once he finished the trail, the dogs get the signal to go off.  Short after that, the horsemen follow and then there are 70 foxhounds on the hunt. Animal World has accompanied the hunters and their hounds - from the first day of training until the big Autumn hunt at the Schleissheim Castle in Bavaria where only the best participate.

The following new episodes are available:

  • Jaguar Safari
  • The Guinea Pig and his Grumpy Neighbors
  • Raccoon Party
  • Tiger Country
  • Portugal - The Return of the Wild Creatures