Angel of death (1/6)

On a river bank lies a dead body with a scar near his kidneys. His identity cannot be determined. Luc Conrad cannot concentrate on solving this unusual death because duty calls: extremely wealthy textile manufacturer Max Lauener has died. Luc discovers a scar on his body, also near his kidneys. The daughter of the deceased Mr Lauener begins an investigation on her own  - despite warnings from Luc. Everything points to organ trafficking, which then calls in the federal police. Dynamic agent Pedro Lambert has now got to look into the matter - together with police commissioner Anna-Maria Giovanoli.

"Excellent cast" (Die Zeit)
"The cinematography is on par with international crime blockbusters. The story is just as good." (BZ Bern)
"Mike Müller is a smash as Luc Conrad." (Basler Zeitung)
"A Swiss delight for mystery fans." (