A Fan Club For Orang Utans (5 episodes) (62/268)

There are still Orang Utans in Sumatra and Borneo. For how much longer is uncertain, since they are in great danger of extinction. Along with chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas, these large apes are human's closest relations. The Borneo Organ-Utan Survival Organisation (BOS International) and BOS Germany are fighting for the last apes living in the wilds. Their main activities comprise opposing the sale of animals, fire clearance and illegal logging. In Borneo BOS International operates two rehabilitation stations: Wanariset and Nyaru Menteng. Orang-Utans having been slightly wounded by bullet-fire or having fled from captivity are cared for here, as well as orphaned orang-utan babies. All the animals absolve a training programme which lasts approximately three years with the objective of them later being able to survive in the rainforest. Three conservationists from different parts of Germany wanted to show their commitment not only in Germany, but also to help the BOS rescue operations energetically in the rainforests of Borneo.

The following new episodes are available:

  • Jaguar Safari
  • The Guinea Pig and his Grumpy Neighbors
  • Raccoon Party
  • Tiger Country
  • Portugal - The Return of the Wild Creatures