She says. He says.

The accusation of rape is being heard in a criminal trial at the Berlin District Court. It is testimony against testimony - a seemingly unsolvable legal and human dilemma, which unfolds an enormous explosive force. For beyond the professional and private futures of two people, what is at stake is nothing less than the values and prejudices that define us as a society.

It is a high-profile case: well-known TV presenter Katharina Schlüter and industrialist Christian Thiede have been having a secret affair for years, and are now sitting opposite each other in court. On the witness stand, Schlüter describes how the initially consensual sex in Thiede's apartment turned into rape. But is evidence such as traces of semen on the dress she wore that day enough? Experts and witnesses are heard, and an unexpected twist in the case does not make it any easier for the court to decide on credibility and truth.