Deadly Drops

Ada has landed a new client: Polish care worker Alina Rudenko. She is accused of having administered an overdose of medication to an elderly man suffering from Parkinson's. Alina's patient, Robert Sander, the senior executive of a company that specializes in door handles, is lying in a coma. Is this a case of physical injury resulting from negligence or is it attempted murder? Were his son, Philipp and his daughter-in-law Uta Sander overwhelmed by the care situation, did they feel they had no other option? Ada is furious that Alina has been accused and she finds it difficult to keep the required distance from the client. When Alina is thrown out of her home by her employer, Ada immediately invites her to stay with her. But Ada makes a mistake and passes on confidential information to the care worker, who promptly disappears. Romy is forced to explain the situation to the public prosecutor, Johanna Knabe, which makes the case significantly more complicated for her.