Frank Senn, Hari Thapa, Otto. C. Honegger / Culture/Tradition/Anthropology/Ethnic studies, Mountaineering, Climbing, Adventure/Expeditions
German [OV], English [ST], French [ST]
00h51h00h00 min
For the first time, a Himalayan expedition is shown not from the perspective of the Western mountaineers, but from the ever-smiling sherpas who make their adrenaline adventure possible in the first place. When Western mountain climbers return from Mt. Everest, they talk of the hardships and challenges, of their triumph and achievement, over the mountain and themselves, of the goddess Miyo Langsangma, who smiled on their ascent and allowed them to reach the summit. They tell of the smiling sherpas who helped them on their way, never complaining or showing any strain. Sometimes they have even become friends with the friendly folk from Solo Khumbu, the Himalayan region in northeast Nepal, on the Tibetan border. But who are the sherpas really? What do they think and feel setting out on an expedition? What goes on behind those friendly smiles? Questions we answer in three suspenseful episodes, documenting a Himalayan expedition for the first time from the sherpas' perspective and letting the protagonists film themselves as they see each other. And suddenly the dangerous sport of high-altitude mountain climbing appears in a whole new light...
Wenn westliche Bergsteiger vom Everest zurückkommen, dann erzählen sie von den Strapazen, von ihrem Triumph, vom Sieg über sich selbst, von der Natur und von der Göttin Miyo Langsangma, die ihnen erlaubt hat, ihren Everest zu besteigen. Sie erzählen über die Sherpas, die ihnen immer lächelnd geholfen haben. Die Sherpas, welche sich nie etwas von den Strapazen haben anmerken lassen - ja, sogar Freundschaften seien entstanden mit den freundlichen Leuten aus dem Solo Khumbu, einer Himalayaregion im Nordosten Nepals an der Grenze zu Tibet. Doch wer sind diese Sherpas wirklich? Was fühlen sie, wenn sie auf eine Expedition aufbrechen? Was verbirgt sich hinter ihrem Lächeln? Das sind die Fragen, die in drei spannenden Folgen gestellt und beantwortet werden. Erstmals wird eine Himalaya-Expedition aus der Sicht von Sherpas dokumentiert. Die Protagonisten filmen sich dabei selbst. Dadurch erscheint das gefährliche Höhenbergsteigen, das sonst vorwiegend von westlicher Sichtweise geprägt ist, in einem völlig neuen Licht.
For the first time, a Himalayan expedition is shown not from the perspective of the Western mountaineers, but from the ever-smiling sherpas who make their adrenaline adventure possible in the first place...
Key Information
__clip.originaltitle | Sherpas - Die wahren Helden am Everest |
__clip.genre |
Culture/Tradition/Anthropology/Ethnic studies Mountaineering Climbing Adventure/Expeditions |
__clip.producedby | SF, ARTE |
__clip.yearofproduction | 2009 |
__clip.duration | 00h51h00h00 min |
__clip.countryoforigin | Germany, Nepal |
__clip.languageversions | German [OV], English [SUB TITLE], French [SUB TITLE] |
Cast & Crew
__clip.director | Frank Senn Hari Thapa Otto. C. Honegger |
__clip.cast | |
__clip.producers | |
__clip.writers |