Positive Is Negative (26/26)

Lolle and Sven are hostages of the Russian Mafiosi. Rosalie tells the two thugs she'll meet them in thirty minutes at Brandenburg Gate to hand back the money. Kruschev and Bebetov load Lolle and Sven into the boot of their car, Rosalie and Hart wait for a chance to knock out the two gangsters with beer bottles. But then Tuhan comes to the rescue. He confuses the two Russians with a dance, then puts them out of action, this time not with Asian philosophy, but by means of two well-aimed kicks. Tuhan's friends see to it that the two ruffians are despatched to the land of no return. A million euros, off to New York - Lolle, Sven and Hart take Rosalie to the airport. "I want to know if I'll be Aunty to Lolle's baby!" thinks Rosalie a few minutes before departure and decides to return to the flat. And there she is urgently needed: for hours Lolle and Sven have been putting off reading the result of the pregnancy test. One glance and Rosalie proclaims: "Not pregnant". Relieved, Lolle and Sven kiss. But then Sven's son Daniel enters and announces joyfully: "Papa, Mama wants to live with you again!"