Dr. Walter Flemmer / History, Culture/Tradition/Anthropology/Ethnic studies
German [OV]
00h58h00h00 min
Palmyra, the biblical Tadmor, had become in the late Hellenistic era a rapidly growing centre for caravan trade. In the Roman age it developed into a state of its own; as it became increasingly independent from Rome, it went on to become the most important trading centre between Roman Syria and the land of the Parthians.
In its heyday the oasis city of Palmyra was able to display its incomparable wealth in magnificent temples, in a theatre, in a splendid columned street, in baths and in government buildings. Today the ruins still testify to the glory and the splendour, the luxury of this unique centre.
Under Empress Zenobia both city and land even engaged in battle against the Romans. The Empress sent soldiers as far as Egypt and wanted to establish her own Empire next to that of the Romans.
Palmyra, das biblische Tadmor, war in der späthellenistischen Zeit ein rasch wachsender Mittelpunkt des Karawanenhandels geworden. In der römischen Zeit entwickelte es sich zu einem eigenen Staatswesen, das zunehmend unabhängig von Rom, das wichtigste Handelszentrum zwischen dem römischen Syrien und dem Land der Parther wurde.
Die Oasenstadt Palmyra konnte zu ihrer Blütezeit ihren unvergleichlichen Reichtum in großartigen Tempeln, einem Theater, in einer grandiosen Säulenstraße, in Bädern und Verwaltungsbauten dokumentieren. Noch heute lassen die Ruinen den Glanz und die Pracht, den Luxus dieses einzigartigen Zentrums ahnen.
Unter der Kaiserin Zenobia traten Stadt und
Land sogar gegen die Römer an. Die Kaiserin entsandte Soldaten bis nach Ägypten
und wollte ein eigenes neben dem römischen Reich etablieren.
This series portrays landscapes, metropoles, sacred sites and monuments, all of which have made a unique contribution to the cultural heritage of mankind. Each episode breathes life into civilizations which thrived in the past ten thousand years, some of them then vanishing without a trace into the shadows of history. The films describe epochs whose legacy lingers in the perceptions and ideas of our own age, and cult sites which have managed to preserve their religious and cultural power up to the present day.
Key Information
__clip.originaltitle | Schauplätze der Weltkulturen - Palmyra - Auf Heer- und Handelswegen zur "Braut der Wüste" |
__clip.genre |
History Culture/Tradition/Anthropology/Ethnic studies |
__clip.producedby | Bayerischer Rundfunk |
__clip.yearofproduction | 2000 |
__clip.duration | 00h58h00h00 min |
__clip.countryoforigin | Germany |
__clip.languageversions | German [OV] |
Cast & Crew
__clip.director | Dr. Walter Flemmer |
__clip.cast | |
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