Claus Räfle / Political, History
German [OV], English [DUB], English [ST]
00h45h00h00 min
This documentary by Claus Räfle, Grimme award-winner, combines rare archive footage with commentaries from contemporary eye-witnesses in a portrayal of the sexual morals of Nazism.
The controlled interplay of man and woman was an important component in the Nazi ideology. Immediately after their seizure of power, the Nazis banned everything that seemed suspicious and decadent from the revelry of the roaring twenties. Permissive morals, displays of nudity were forbidden and condemned.
The cohabitation of man and woman was to serve only one purpose: the production of children. As many as possible, since they belonged to "the most important of all races". Above all, however, the contingent of future soldiers was to be increased.
Single mothers were taken to special "Lebensborn" homes, where they were deliberately "mated" with blond SS officers. The director of this institution spoke quite openly of "breeding purposes" which were to serve the "Aryianisation of the race".
Dokumentation des Grimme-Preisträgers Claus Räfle verdichtet
seltene Archivaufnahmen mit Kommentaren von Zeitzeugen zu einer
Moral- und Sittengeschichte des Nationalsozialismus.
der NS-Ideologie war das kontrollierte Zusammenspiel von Mann und
Frau ein wichtiges Versatzstück.
nach ihrer Machtübernahme räumten die Nazis mit allem auf, was
ihnen an den sinnenfrohen 20er Jahren suspekt und verderblich
erschien. Freizügige Sitten, zur Schau gestellte Nacktheit wurden
verboten und verdammt.
Zusammenleben von Mann und Frau hatte nur einem Zweck zu dienen: der
Produktion von Kindern. Möglichst viele sollten es sein, gehörte
man doch zur "wichtigsten aller Rassen". Vor allem aber sollte
das Potenzial künftiger Soldaten vergrößert werden.
junge Mütter wurden in Lebensborn genannte Heime gebracht, wo sie
gezielt mit blonden SS-Männern zusammenkamen. Der Leiter der
Einrichtung sprach gänzlich ungeniert von Zuchtzwecken, die der
"Aufnordung der Rasse" dienlich sein sollten.
With rare archive footage and commentaries from eye-witnesses this film portrays the sexual morals of Nazism. The permissiveness of the roaring twenties was condemned. Cohabitation was to serve only one purpose: the production of children - and future soldiers. Single mothers were "mated" with blond SS officers in specific homes to promote the "Aryianisation" of "the most important of all races".
Key Information
__clip.originaltitle | Eros unterm Hakenkreuz |
__clip.genre |
Political History |
__clip.producedby | LOOK! Filmproduktion for RBB 2005 |
__clip.yearofproduction | 2005 |
__clip.duration | 00h45h00h00 min |
__clip.countryoforigin | Germany |
__clip.languageversions | German [OV], English [DUB], English [SUB TITLE] |
Cast & Crew
__clip.director | Claus Räfle |
__clip.cast | |
__clip.producers | |
__clip.writers |