Yasmina Bauernfeind / History, Culture/Tradition/Anthropology/Ethnic studies
German [OV]
00h58h00h00 min
Borobudur, situated in the centre of the jungle of Java in Indonesia, is regarded as the eighth wonder of the world. This sanctuary, built in the ninth century by the powerful Shailendra rulers, is in fact the largest Buddhist temple in the world. The pyramid-shaped monument consists of almost two million volcanic stone blocks and is - like a huge stupa - modelled on a mandala or a lotus. Over 500 Buddha statues and over 1000 stone reliefs of breathtaking beauty line the corridors of the nine terraces, which once served as a path of pilgrimage to spiritual contemplation.
Many mysteries still surround the temple of Borobudur: what were the reasons for its construction, what was its exact role and function in the golden age of Java and why was this overwhelming monument deserted only 100 years after its completion?
Borobudur, mitten im Dschungel von Java in Indonesien gelegen, gilt als das achte Weltwunder. Tatsächlich ist das im 9. Jahrhundert n. Chr. von den mächtigen Shailendra Herrschern erbaute Heiligtum der größte buddhistische Tempel der Erde. Die pyramidenförmige Anlage besteht aus fast zwei Millionen Vulkanstein-Blöcken und ist - wie eine riesige Stupa - einem Mandala oder einem Lotus nachempfunden. Über 500 Buddha-Statuen und mehr als 1000 Steinreliefs von atemberaubender Schönheit säumen die Korridore der neun Terrassen, die einst als Pilgerweg zur geistigen Übung dienten.
Bis heute bleibt vieles am Tempel von Borobudur rätselhaft: Was waren die Hintergründe seiner Entstehung, was seine genaue Rolle und Funktion in der großen Blütezeit Javas und warum wurde dieses überwältigende Monument bereits 100 Jahre nach seiner Fertigstellung wieder verlassen?
This series portrays landscapes, metropoles, sacred sites and monuments, all of which have made a unique contribution to the cultural heritage of mankind. Each episode breathes life into civilizations which thrived in the past ten thousand years, some of them then vanishing without a trace into the shadows of history. The films describe epochs whose legacy lingers in the perceptions and ideas of our own age, and cult sites which have managed to preserve their religious and cultural power up to the present day.
Key Information
__clip.originaltitle | Schauplätze der Weltkulturen - Borobudur - Berg der Götter |
__clip.genre |
History Culture/Tradition/Anthropology/Ethnic studies |
__clip.producedby | Bayerischer Rundfunk |
__clip.yearofproduction | 2002 |
__clip.duration | 00h58h00h00 min |
__clip.countryoforigin | Germany |
__clip.languageversions | German [OV] |
Cast & Crew
__clip.director | Yasmina Bauernfeind |
__clip.cast | |
__clip.producers | |
__clip.writers |