All You Need Is Love (8/26)

 Telephone call: job interview in the restaurant "Jaffa" in half an hour. A good opportunity to get rid of lover Sebastian. And, what's more, Lolle gets the job - for three days, on trial. Getting rid of Sebastian proves to be more difficult than getting the job. The second night was a complete flop. But how can she tell Sebastian that she's not interested in a relationship? Fortunately Hart has invited her that evening to the TV dating show "All you need is love!".  Sitting in the audience, the show with presenter Kai is really exciting. But then Kai invites Lolle to come up and join him on the sofa and, on nation-wide TV, Sebastian declares his love to Lolle?   Sven is wondering how to get rid of Yvonne. Admittedly, the blondie is quite cute, but rather naïve, and anyway there's still her boyfriend? Sven turns for advice to Rosalie, who has no time at all for this type of woman ?